What to Do After a Work Accident in Germany: A Comprehensive Guide

German Emergency helpers arrive after a work accident
After a Workplace Accident (Arbeitsunfall) in Germany, you have to follow certain steps to be eligable for monetary compensation and getting your doctos' bills covered. Read our step-by-step Guide to know what you have to do now.


Experiencing a work accident in Germany can be a challenging and stressful situation, especially for foreign workers navigating an unfamiliar system. This comprehensive guide outlines the steps to take after a workplace accident, ensuring your health, safety, and legal rights are protected. 

Phase 1: Immediate Response

Secure the Accident Site and Provide First Aid

After a work accident, it’s crucial to secure the accident site immediately to prevent further hazards. This may involve shutting down machines or keeping other people away from the danger area. Securing the accident site protects the injured person and other employees from additional injuries. Immediately afterward, first aid should be administered. This includes stopping bleeding, stabilizing broken limbs, and, if necessary, performing life-saving measures such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). It’s important to calm the injured person and place them in a safe position, such as the recovery position. 

Call Emergency Services (112)

In case of severe injuries or unconsciousness, call emergency services immediately by dialing 112. Provide clear information about the location of the accident, the nature of the injuries, and the condition of the injured person. 

Always remember: Regardless of your contract with your employer, your residential status, health insurance status or nationality: In case of an emergency, you are always protected by german law to recieve the necessary medical attention. Do not hesitate to call 112 or reach out to doctos in an emergency! 

Report the Accident

The accident must be reported to the supervisor or employer immediately. This reporting is necessary to initiate the further process of accident handling. The employer is obligated to create a detailed accident report containing all relevant information. 

Proper Documentation

Thorough documentation of the work accident is essential. This includes a brief description of the accident and the circumstances, as well as securing witnesses and their statements. This information will be crucial later for the accident investigation and claiming insurance benefits. 

Phase 2: Medical Consultation and Treatment

Visit a Durchgangsarzt (D-Arzt)

After the work accident, the injured person should immediately visit a Durchgangsarzt (D-Arzt), a specialized occupational health physician. The D-Arzt conducts the initial examination and documents the injuries in detail. This documentation is crucial for further treatment and claims with the Berufsgenossenschaft (BG), the German statutory accident insurance. 

Hospital Stay (if necessary)

If the injuries are severe, a hospital stay may be necessary. The hospital ensures the necessary medical care is provided. It’s important to obtain and keep all admission reports and treatment protocols. These documents will be important later for reporting and handling the work accident. 

Reporting to the Berufsgenossenschaft (BG)

The employer must report the work accident to the responsible Berufsgenossenschaft (BG) within three days. This report includes submitting all relevant documents, including the accident report and medical certificates. It’s crucial to ensure that all necessary documents are submitted completely and correctly to ensure smooth processing of the case. 

Phase 3: Recovery and Rehabilitation

Ongoing Medical Treatment

During the recovery phase, it’s important to follow the doctor’s treatment plan exactly and attend regular check-ups. This ensures that the healing process is optimal and any complications are identified and treated early. If necessary, rehabilitation measures such as physiotherapy or occupational therapy should also be utilized to support a full recovery. 

Documentation of Recovery

Careful documentation of the recovery process is essential. All medical reports, certificates, and treatment protocols should be collected and kept. A detailed record of the recovery process not only helps monitor progress but is also important for potential claims with the Berufsgenossenschaft (BG) or other insurance providers. Take regular notes on the condition of the injured person and record all treatments and measures carried out. 

Phase 4: Claiming Benefits from the BG

Submitting the Documents

After completing the medical treatment and rehabilitation, all collected reports and certificates must be submitted to the Berufsgenossenschaft (BG). These documents are necessary to claim benefits. 

Applying for Injury Benefits (Verletztengeld)

During the period of incapacity to work, affected individuals can apply for injury benefits (Verletztengeld) from the BG. In addition, there is an entitlement to transitional allowance (Übergangsgeld) during vocational rehabilitation to secure a livelihood during reintegration into working life. 

BG Review and Decision

The Berufsgenossenschaft reviews the submitted claims and makes a decision on the benefits granted. This process can take time, and it’s important to remain patient and respond quickly to any inquiries from the BG. 

Appeal and Support from Arbeitsunfall113

If claims are rejected by the BG, it’s possible to file an appeal. This is where Arbeitsunfall113 comes into play. We offer comprehensive support from experts specializing in enforcing claims. You can use the digital notice review and claim review to examine the BG’s decision. Our expert team will help you create a well-founded appeal and submit all necessary documents correctly. This ensures that you receive the best possible support and your claims are successfully enforced. 


Navigating the aftermath of a work accident in Germany can be complex, but by following these steps and leveraging available resources, you can protect your health, rights, and financial well-being. Remember to prioritize safety, seek prompt medical attention, report the accident, and carefully document the entire process. 

If you encounter challenges or claim rejections, don’t hesitate to seek expert support from services like Arbeitsunfall113. With the right guidance and advocacy, you can successfully navigate the German work accident insurance system and secure the benefits you deserve. 

Picture of Louisa Lagaris

Louisa Lagaris

Louisa Lagaris ist seit sieben Jahren im Sozialversicherungsrecht tätig und unterstützt Menschen nach einem Arbeitsunfall bei der Kommunikation mit der Berufsgenossenschaft. Als Betroffene weiß sie, wie viel Kraft die Bürokratie kosten kann und hat wegen ihrer Erfahrung Arbeitsunfall 113 gegründet.
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